GSA Penrose 2023

Conference Goals and Themes

An increasing number of robust datasets support that the western North America margin has dominantly been an oblique to transform plate boundary since the mid Cretaceous. Interpretation of magnetic seafloor anomalies with respect to deformation within North America indicate that the North American margin has clearly been obliquely divergent since ~35 Ma (Atwater, 1970).  

Abundant data also supports that the margin was oblique pre-35 Ma. These data include: 

We contend that the past research efforts of the tectonics community and what is published from these efforts does not consistently reflect the reality of pre-35 Ma oblique convergent and oblique divergent motion. The premise of this Penrose Conference emerges from these major points. 

This Penrose conference will bring together a diverse group of researchers working throughout the Cordillera, from the Late Jurassic to the Eocene, to develop a new understanding about the tectonic evolution of western North America. Conversations about oblique plate boundaries will be facilitated by a combination of field trips within Idaho, keynote presentations, and focused discussion sessions after the presentations. Only through collaborative discussions and research will the Tectonics discipline develop a coherent model for the western North American margin and move forward as a community.  
