GSA and the meeting conveners are committed to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the geoscience community and are committed to making this Penrose Conference as accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable to all participants. We welcome and encourage applications from all gender identities, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and People of Color, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and other groups that are underrepresented within the earth-science community. We have dedicated funds to support conference participation for such individuals, as well as early-career researchers and students.
The two meeting venues are wheelchair accessible. We will work with any participants that have specific accessibility concerns to ensure that they can participate in the meeting (e.g., closed-caption services) and the field trips.
All conference participants will be expected to follow the GSA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct during the meeting. If there is a conduct concern during the conference, the conveners will intervene (immediately, if present). Participants can also report concerns to the conveners and/or to GSA staff that are present. Participants may also email the GSA ethics office and/or submit a formal ethics complaint through the GSA website for an additional investigation.
The conveners will also be closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and will take appropriate precautions closer to the meeting date that are in line with GSA policies and public health guidelines.