With very few exceptions over the years, a crew of undergraduate Geobadgers and a few graduate students head out into the field for the “Spring Break Field course.” In 2019, a group of 19 undergraduate and two graduate students headed south with Professor Shanan Peters to the Llano Uplift of Texas. The highlight of the trip was a kayak down the Llano River near Mason, Texas, where spectacular exposures of Cambrian microbialites can be found. To take full advantage of the drive there and back, the class also saw highlights int he Arbuckle Mountains and caught the edge of the coastal plan and Ouachitas on the way home. In 2020, a crew of graduate and undergraduate students, led by Professors Peters and Alan Carroll, was scheduled for a trip to Death Valley National Park, but that was not meant to be. At the very last moment the trip was cancelled due to the risks of the just-then-emerging global pandemic in the United States. A few of the undergraduate students stayed enrolled in the course to learn some of the geology in remote fashion. They completed term papers on parts of the trip that they were supposed to take point on in the field, a substitute that fit 2020 all too well.