Sally Stevens doing research on a river

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Geoscience News


Eva Golos, Assistant Professor

Eva Golos joined the faculty in the Department of Geoscience in Fall 2022. As a seismologist, she uses information from earthquakes, volcanoes, and other Earth processes to make images of the Earth’s interior. In her current work, she utilizes passive seismic data to investigate the structure of the crust and mantle in North America, and bridges geophysics and geochemistry to reveal geologic information buried deep within the Earth. Spanning the ancient hearts of the continents to the ongoing evolution of the American Southwest, her research addresses questions such as: How do tectonic processes such as rifting and subduction modify the temperature and chemistry of the lithosphere? To what extent is the mantle melting below continents, and how is this related to volcanism and lithospheric evolution?

Geo-Badgering: Student Updates


Geo-Badgering is a blog run by graduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. It draws on contributions from graduate and undergraduate students in the Geoscience Department, and aims to cover a broad range of topics, from communicating scientific research to a general audience, to sharing field experiences, to answering those deep questions about what an earth science education is really all about! We hope that the experiences shared here will foster a stronger community within the department, and allow for broad impacts to be made by our work and experiences!

Please contribute!

We are looking for short blog posts (200 to 600 words) about scientific research, lab work, field experiences, internships/industry experiences, and student life in general.

Please fill out this form, add a photo or two, and email it all to

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