The Chancellor toured several research groups within the College of Letters and Science as part of a program aimed at viewing “World-changing Research within L&S”. Accompanying Chancellor Mnookin were Tina Neilson and L&S Dean, Eric Wilcots. The first stop on the tour was to meet with the Department of Geoscience – Surface Processes group led by Dean L. Morgridge Professor Luke Zoet. The group first met with graduate student Chelsea Volpano to talk about coastal erosion along the Great Lakes and ongoing work with the College of Menominee Nation. They then toured the group’s cryosphere lab, where graduate students Natasha Morgan-Witts and Jeremy Brooks explained the equipment within the lab’s large freezer that is used to investigate the physical processes that shape the cryosphere. This predominantly featured the cryosphere ring-shear device the group uses to simulate and investigate how glaciers slip over and erode their beds.