RISE-EARTH Candidate Seminars

Manuel Scharrer

Manuel Scharrer, a candidate for the Department of Geoscience RISE-EARTH hiring initiative, received his Ph.D. in Geoscience from the Universität Tübingen in 2022 and is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Arizona State University.

General Seminar Abstract: Integrating thermodynamics into the mineral systems approach to decipher ore deposit formation processes and more

The integration of experimental thermodynamics with economic geology, facilitated by thermodynamic modelling, enables a more robust investigation into ore deposit formation. This approach not only aids exploration but also provides essential thermodynamic data for enhancing extraction processes and investigating post-mining environmental impacts.
Utilising the hydrothermal native element-arsenide ore deposit type as a case study, a holistic mineral system approach is presented on both global and local scales. This approach employs petrology and geochemical methods to refine the conditions and processes underpinning ore formation. Through a systematic comparison of ore characteristics and mineral precipitation sequences with thermodynamically modelled mineralogical and geochemical predictions, formation processes can be assessed, validified and refined.

Technical Talk Abstract: Adding experimental thermodynamics as an analytical approach to minerals and geomaterials

The process of acquiring fundamental thermodynamic properties of minerals is often not performed due to the difficulties involved and the time-consuming nature of the process. However, experimental thermodynamics provides not only fundamental thermodynamic data, but also valuable information applicable to almost any aspect of geology and beyond. The comprehension of mineral and material stability factors, including enthalpy, entropy, solid solution effects and surface energetics, facilitates the exploration of numerous domains, from ore deposit formation to element fractionation behaviour, to pollutant remediation, to the enhancement of industrial materials.

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Rebecca Morris

Rebecca Morris, a candidate for the Department of Geoscience RISE-EARTH hiring initiative, received her Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Victoria in 2024 where she is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow.

General Seminar Abstract: Insights into metal enrichments and CO2 production from magma-carbonate interactions at volcanic arcs

Interactions between magma and carbonate can enhance CO2 production at arc volcanoes and contribute to the formation of mineralized deposits (skarn). Past research efforts have primarily focused on mineralization within the carbonate, where little is known about element enrichments (and depletions) within the magma and the quantity of CO2 produced. In this talk, I will present work from magmas in contact with the carbonate host rock they intrude from ancient interactions now exposed on Vancouver Island, Canada. Detailed sampling of magmatic margins displays unique and localized metal enrichments that form from the incorporation of carbonate into the magma. Results indicate CO2 production within the magma is limited, and is dominantly sourced in skarn settings from decarbonation within the host rock. This work illustrates how magma geochemistry can further our understanding of element mobility and CO2 production in skarn deposits.


Technical Talk Abstract: Limestone assimilation in arc magmas – unique metal enrichments, mechanisms of assimilation, and advancing our understanding of skarn deposits

Magma-carbonate interactions produce some of the most abundant ore deposits on Earth, most notably as Fe, Au, Cu, Zn, W, Mo, and Sn skarn ± Co, Ni, Pb, Ag, U, and REEs. Thus far, studies on magma-carbonate interactions have largely focused on mineral deposits formed within the host rocks via fluid deposition, with less attention given to reactions occurring within the magmatic sources. In addition, the mechanism of carbonate assimilation into arc magmas is understudied. In this talk, I will present detailed work from various scales of magma bodies in contact with limestone. This work documents newly discovered ubiquitous boundary melts that form along the margins of mafic dikes and sills in contact with limestone, which display unique Ca, U, and Sr enrichments, Si depletion, and 87Sr/86Sr that approaches host limestone values (~0.708). Contrasting viscosities between boundary and interior melts are expressed by a distinct meniscus, hindering mixing and chemical homogenization. Detailed sampling of a pluton in contact with decarbonated limestone (skarn) shows a narrow margin (<2 m wide) enriched in U, Sr, and 87Sr/86Sr (~0.706), with no indication of limestone assimilation from more interior samples collected. This work demonstrates the limited extent of limestone assimilation (<25 %) into hydrous arc basalts, and further informs on element exchange between magma source and host rocks in skarn deposits.

Can’t attend in person? Join this seminar on Zoom

Joseph Biasi

Joe Biasi, a candidate for the Department of Geoscience RISE-EARTH hiring initiative, received his Ph.D. in Geochemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 2021 and is Currently an Assistant Professor of Economic Geology at the University of Wyoming.

General Seminar Abstract: Navigating the complex world of Critical Mineral Research

As the global demand for mineral resources continues to increase, the demand for environmental preservation is also increasing. These two expectations – increased mining and ecosystem protection – are both opposed and interlinked with each other in the modern day. As we collectively work to replace fossil fuels (and their negative environmental effects) with renewable energy, this will necessitate a dramatic increase in mining in order to manufacture batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, etc. Finally, some of the most essential materials for renewable-energy technologies are exclusively controlled by single countries. These are deemed ‘critical minerals’ and add a geopolitical aspect to these issues.

Solutions to this complex web of interconnected environmental, political, and resource-based problems do exist, however, and these solutions will largely be found in the research labs of places like the University of Wisconsin. I will discuss how my lab has been working on these solutions, including low-impact mineral exploration, ethical metal sourcing, re-mining and more.


Technical Talk Abstract: The interface between Critical Minerals and the Earth System

This wide-ranging talk will cover how my work on Critical Minerals depends on many other disciplines in the Earth Sciences. Topics will range from global-scale problems such as plate tectonic reconstructions and mass extinctions – to mid-scale ambiguities such as landscape evolution and geophysical signals – to micro-scale controls such as biomineralization and aqueous geochemistry. All of these (and more!) affect the value, impact, and viability of a mineral deposit. I will discuss some examples of these interactions from my work in Alaska, the Canadian Shield, the Western U.S., and Chile. Finally, I will cover how my teaching builds upon this interdisciplinary theme to produce well-rounded students that are prepared for careers in this ever-changing industry.

Can’t attend in person? Join this seminar on Zoom