The Department of Geoscience Alumni & Friends are an extensive network of more than 3,000 people across the globe. We do our best to maintain current contact information, interests, and connections. To do this, we need your help. Send updates, news, and anything you would like to share to with “Alumni Update” in the subject line.
Explore the many ways alumni continue actively supporting and staying engaged with Geoscience students and the department. We hope you’ll join us.
Alumni Board of Visitors Alumni Mentor Program Distinguished Alumni
Outcrop Alumni Magazine
Check out the recent edition of our alumni magazine, The Outcrop 2024.
Previous editions of the Outcrop are also available:
Send your professional and personal updates, feedback, news and photos for next year’s Outcrop alumni magazine to

Board of Visitors
The Department of Geoscience Board of Visitors was established in 1991 as an Alumni Council. The name was changed in October 2001, but the goals of the Board remain the same:
- To assist in generating extramural funds to enhance Department research and teaching activities.
- To provide a bridge between professionals and students.
- To aid in recruiting top students.
- To provide advice on ways to improve the Department’s quality and standing.
- To plan an Alumni Day Conference to be held every three years.
Mike Porter, Chair
Marjorie Chan
Sue Cluff
Sam Freitag
Dave Hart
Ben Laabs
Kyle Lewallen
Nancy Mahlen
Liz Percak-Dennet
Jeremy Pecikek
Tina Pint
Mike Tryggestad
Mike Ursin
Steve Walter
Erik Webb
Charles Andrews
Donald Cameron
Kirt Campion
Timothy Carr
Elizabeth Clechenko
Doug Connell
David Divine
Tom Doe
Steve Driese
Mark Emerson
Maitri Erwin
Evan Franseen
Carl A.P. Fricke
Christine Griffith
John Guilbert
Thomas Hoffman
Thomas Holley
Alfred James
Steve Johannsen
Thomas Johnson
John Mack
Richard Manser
Carol McCartney
Claudia Mora
William Morgan
Jean Morrison
Robert Nauta
Tina Nielsen
Jeff Pietras
Marjory Rinaldo-Lee
James D. (Jamie) Robertson
Rick Sarg
Martin Shields
Mark Solien
Phillip “Pete” Stark
David Stephenson
Timothy (Berge) Swearingen
Sally Zinke
Nikolas I. Christensen
Kenneth W. Ciriacks (deceased)
James Davis (deceased)
Craig Eisen
Donald H. Freas
Stanley Hamilton
Carroll Ann Hodges
Richard Hutchinson
Robert J. Karnauskas
Patrick Lehmann
Walter D. Mooney
Jay Nania (deceased)
Ned Ostenso (deceased)
Christine Rossen
Robert Sneider (deceased)
M. Ray Thomasson
Alumni Mentor Program
As current and former “residents” of Weeks Hall, geoscience students and alumni have a lot in common. The Board of Visitors’ Alumni Mentor Program can match grad and undergrad students with geoscience alumni. These alumni volunteer to assist with friendly and knowledgeable career advice, either by phone, email, or in person.
If you have questions about the Alumni Mentor Program please contact Tom Holley at:
Distinguished Alumni
Each year since 1999 distinguished alumni of the department have been recognized by the Board of Visitors and faculty “for distinguished lifetime achievement and/or service to the University of Wisconsin-Madison,” and for their outstanding professional achievements. Distinguished Alumni Awards are presented at the annual Spring Banquet.
Ken Bradbury—PhD 1982
William A. Morgan—BS 1975; MS 1977
Dean L. Morgridge—BS 1953; MS 1955
Mark Solien—BS 1970; MS 1976
Chunmiao Zheng—PhD 1988
Thomas W. Doe—MS1973; PhD 1980
William J. Hinze—BS 1951; PhD 1957
Jean Morrison—PhD 1988
2012—no awards made
John Charles Behrendt—BS 1954: MS 1956; PhD 1961
R. Heather Macdonald—MS 1979; PhD 1984
Marjorie A. Chan—PhD 1982
John M. Eiler—MS 1991; PhD 1994
Mark D. Kurz —BS (Chemistry) 1976
Rick Sarg —PhD 1976
John M. Guilbert—MS 1954; PhD 1962
Alfred G. Fischer—BA 1939; MA 1940
J. Lawford Anderson—MS 1972; PhD 1975
Richard W. Hutchinson—MS 1951; PhD 1954
Mark D. Myers—BS 1977; MS 1981
James F. Davis—MS 1956; PhD 1965
Frederick A. Frey—BS (Chemical Engineering) 1960; Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1967
Walter D. Mooney—PhD 1975
Richard B. Alley—PhD 1987
Charles K. Leith—BS 1897; PhD 1901
Lewis G. Weeks—BA 1917
Jay C. Nania—BS 1984, MS 1987
Carl A.P. Fricke—MS 1976
John W. Harbaugh—PhD 1955
Peter R. Vogt—MA 1965; PhD 1968
Philip H. (Pete) Stark—MS 1961; PhD 1963
Richard A. Paull— BS 1952; MS 1953; PhD 1957
and Rachel Krebs Paull—BS 1954; MS 1970; PhD 1980
Ned A. Ostenso—BS 1952; MS 1953; PhD 1962
Robert M. Sneider—PhD 1962
Ray E. Wilcox—PhB 1933; PhM 1937; PhD 1941
Charles C. Bradley—PhB 1935; PhM 1947; PhD 1950
William E. Laing—BS 1951
James D. Robertson—MS 1972; PhD 1975
Kenneth W. Ciriacks—BS 1958
Katharine Fowler-Billings—MS 1929
M. Ray Thomasson—PhD 1959