John H. Fournelle
Position title: Senior Scientist Emeritus
Phone: 608-438-7480
460 Weeks Hall
- Lab Affiliation
- Electron Probe Lab

From July 1992 to February 2020, I ran the UW-Madison electron microprobe and SEM labs. This lab consists of a CAMECA SXFive Field Emission electron microprobe #944, installed in late 2014, a CAMECA SX51 electron microprobe #485, installed in late 1993, and a Hitachi S3400 VP-SEM. Dr Will Nachlas is now the Director of these electron beam instruments. Please contact him if you are interested in access to these instruments. While I retired from directing the operation of the electron probes and SEM, I continue to be very active with many research projects, some funded by NSF with research scientist Aurelien Moy, on “low kV EPMA”. Other projects include chemical peak shifts in Mg, Al and Si Ka X-rays; development of some mineral standards for EPMA; and assorted “problems” in EPMA (such as errors measuring Hf in zircon). A team of myself and 3 colleagues wrote an [link to] for Progress in Materials Science (Llovet Moy Pinard Fournelle).
Further information about John’s microprobe research can be found at