Shaun Marcott

Position title: Associate Professor


483 Weeks Hall

Lab website
Proglacial Lab
Shaun Marcott


My research interests span a broad range of geological and climatological questions largely related to late Quaternary climate change and dating glacial landscapes. Specifically, my expertise is in the field of glacial geology and paleoclimatology with a firm rooting in geological, mathematical, and geochemical techniques.  I work with a number of paleoclimate archives including glacial deposits, marine sediment cores, and ice cores as well, and use statistical models to evaluate large data sets. My work is primarily focused on understanding the interplay between climate and glaciers, and is useful in placing modern climate-glacier interactions into a prehistorical context for understanding modern and future changes. Part of the satisfaction I receive from my research comes from working on new approaches to long-standing problems, and the ability to devote considerable time in the outdoors and laboratory for conducting my research.


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  • Late Pleistocene Abrupt Climate Change
  • Glacial and Quaternary Geology
  • Oceanography
  • Paleoceanography
  • Natural Hazards
  • Glaciology
  • Paleoclimatology

Graduate and Undergraduate Students

I am always looking for new students interested in paleoclimatology, geochemistry, glacial geology, and paleoceanography.  Please contact me with any questions or ideas you are interested in pursuing.