Stephen R. Meyers
Position title: Vilas Distinguished Professor
Phone: 608-890-2574
A466 Weeks Hall
- Teaching Website
- tadada Scientific Lab
- CycloAstro Website
- CycloAstro Project
- Astrochron Software Website
- Astrochron

Formally trained in sedimentary geology – especially stratigraphy and sedimentary geochemistry – with a dollop of statistics and a dash of geophysics, I have enjoyed exploring paleoclimate and paleoceanography through the lens of these fields of study. My work has moved more and more towards the statistical analysis of paleoclimate, especially the development of quantitative approaches and software for the construction and evaluation of astronomical time scales, the intercalibration of astrochronologic and radioisotopic data (see our XRF lab), and the evaluation of Earth System responses to astronomical-insolation changes.
Current Projects
- Leveraging the Geologic Record to Constrain Solar System Evolution, Earth-Moon Dynamics, Paleoclimate Change and Geological Time, Heising-Simons Foundation. (link)“PROJECT 1: Earth-Moon Parameters and Solar System Fundamental Frequencies, Precambrian to Present” (PI Stephen Meyers, PI Linda Hinnov, PI Alberto Malinverno)(link)“PROJECT 6: The CycloCohort Program – An Early-Career Springboard for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Justice Focused Leadership in Geoscience & Astronomy” (PI Rocío Caballero-Gill, co-director Linda Hinnov, co-director Stephen Meyers, Consultant Carmen McCallum, Consultant Julie Libarkin)(link)
- Collaborative Research: Improving the Late Cretaceous-Eocene geomagnetic polarity time scale by integrating the global magnetic anomaly record and astrochronology, Alberto Malinverno (Lead-PI), Stephen Meyers (Co-PI), NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics.(view abstract)
- Collaborative Research: Anatomy of a Greenhouse World: The Early Eocene in the Green River Basin, Wyoming, Alan Carroll (Lead-PI), Stephen Meyers (Co-PI), et al., NSF Integrated Earth Systems.(view abstract)
- Collaborative Proposal: EarthCube Integration: Geochronology Frontier at the Laboratory-Cyberinformatics Interface, Bradley Singer (Lead-PI), Stephen Meyers (Co-PI), et al., NSF EarthCube Program. (view abstract)
- CAREER: Deciphering the Beat of a Timeless Rhythm – The Future of Astrochronology, Stephen Meyers (PI), NSF Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program. (view abstract)
- Collaborative Research: Evolution of the Climate Continuum – Late Paleogene to Present, Stephen Meyers (Lead-PI) and Linda Hinnov (Co-PI), NSF Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (Lead program Marine Geology and Geophysics). (view abstract)
- Collaborative Research: Integrating Radioisotopic and Astronomical Time Scales for the Cretaceous, Bradley Singer (Lead-PI), Stephen Meyers (Co-PI), and Bradley Sageman (Co-PI), NSF Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program. (view abstract)
I love teaching, and I co-founded the tadada Scientific Lab, an experiment in science education and communication to inspire scientific literacy and cultivate emotional connections to science. As an educator and researcher, I have a deep interest in how we ‘do science’ as a community, and how we grow our community in a way that allows each-and-every one of us to thrive, build on each other’s successes, and grow together – to address major societal challenges such as climate change and social justice. We cross disciplinary boundaries through collaboration with students, professors, artists, musicians, scientists, photographers, poets, filmmakers, of all ages — within and beyond the walls of academia.
GEOSCI 100: Introductory Geology: How the Earth Works (Spring 2022)
GEOSCI 875: Advanced Topics in Geology : Sed Points of Light (Spring 2022)