Emily E. Mixon
Position title: Researcher II
Pronouns: she/her
Email: eemixon@wisc.edu
Website: Research Website
347 Weeks Hall

I am the Lab Manager for the University of Wisconsin-Madison SLEUTH Lab, led by Dr. Andrea Dutton. Our group’s research focuses on past climate and sea level change, but more broadly addresses topics within carbonate and isotope geochemistry, sedimentary systems and diagenesis, weathering, and ocean chemistry. I have a strong interest in method development and instrumentation for isotope geochemistry and am excited to apply my diverse experiences in clean lab operations and mass spectrometry towards the scientific growth of the students and researchers in SLEUTH. I have worked across the geologic timescale from the Archean to the Quaternary and have personal research interests in solid earth/climate interactions. Check out my research website to learn more.