Christopher Zahasky

Position title: Assistant Professor


Phone: 608-265-4274

Office: 419 Weeks Hall

Lab Website
Subsurface Hydrophysics Lab
Christopher Zahasky headshot


My research focuses on using experimental, analytical, and numerical methods to improve our understanding of fundamental physics and mechanisms of fluid, gas, and solute transport in heterogeneous porous and fractured media. Our group studies a range of processes and due to the ubiquity of fluid transport in porous media, our work has important applications across a range of important environmental and geological processes including contaminant migration in the vadose zone, fluid flow through fractured systems, colloid transport in the subsurface, and carbon dioxide transport and immobilization in carbon storage projects. A detailed summary of current and upcoming projects and additional information about our group can be found here.


Google Scholar | ORCID | Preprints and Postprints


I teach the following classes regularly.


  • GEOSCI/GLE 627: Hydrogeology
  • GEOSCI 875: Navigating Graduate School Seminar
  • GEOSCI 929: Hydrogeology Seminar


  • GEOSCI 106: Environmental Geology
  • GEOSCI/GLE 629: Contaminant Hydrogeology
  • GEOSCI/ENV ST 411: Energy Resources

Department Service

  • Faculty committee member of Graduate Studies Committee (2023 – present)
  • Faculty committee member and Chair of the department Website and Displays committee (2020 – present)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Faculty Senator/Alternate (2020 – present)

Current Graduate Students

  • Vy Le
  • Eleanor McFarlan
  • Adam Ornelles
  • Paul Summers
  • Collin Sutton