Kurt L. Feigl

Position title: Professor

Email: feigl@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-0176

Office: A248 Weeks Hall


My primary interest involves tectonic applications of geodesy. This topic includes measuring and modeling crustal deformation from earthquake faults, volcano activity, glacier loads, and fluid extraction. Geodetic measurement techniques include Global Positioning System (GPS) surveying, satellite radar interferometry (INSAR), and other remote-sensing schemes. Numerical modeling approaches include the finite-element method, parameter estimation by inversion, and analytic elastic solutions.


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  • GEOSCI 100: General Geology
  • GEOSCI 118: Eye in the Sky: Monitoring the Earth by Satellite
  • GEOSCI 350: Introduction to Geophysics: The Dynamic Earth
  • GEOSCI/GLE/CEE/IES 444: Practical Aspects of GPS Surveying
  • GEOSCI 797: Tectonophysics
  • GEOSCI 875: Graduate Student Symposium


  • Computer Committee, Department of Geoscience, UW-Madison
  • Web Committee, Department of Geoscience, UW-Madison
  • Alternate Senator, Faculty Senate, UW-Madison
  • Technical Advisory Committee at UNAVCO
  • Geological Engineering Program at UW-Madison
  • Poster Printing Panic Prevention Page (P5)