The Chancellor toured several research groups within the College of Letters and Science as part of a program aimed at viewing “World-changing Research within L&S”. Accompanying Chancellor Mnookin were Tina Neilson and L&S Dean, Eric …
First state-wide survey of rural water concerns highlights key messages for regulators and lawmakers
Rural land covers most of the state of Wisconsin, and rural practices continue to strongly shape the quality and quantity of groundwater in the state. Rural residents themselves are also strongly connected to issues affecting …
Professor Brad Singer joins News 3 Live to talk about the volcanic eruptions in Iceland
Antarctica’s ancient ice sheets foreshadow dynamic changes in Earth’s future
Annie Bauer receives the GSA Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award
Assistant Professor Annie Bauer has been announced as the 2022 recipient of the GSA Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award. Doris M. Curtis was the 103rd president of the Geological Society of America …
GeoBadger Receives NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship
Jeremy Patterson has been awarded the prestigious NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSF-PF). The NSF-PF award in Earth Sciences is highly selective, and awarded to approximately 10-12 students annually, nationwide. Jeremy is a 4th year …