GeoBadger Receives NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship

Jeremy Patterson has been awarded the prestigious NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSF-PF). The NSF-PF award in Earth Sciences is highly selective, and awarded to approximately 10-12 students annually, nationwide. 

Jeremy is a 4th year PhD candidate that has been pursuing applied and fundamental research to better understand flow and transport processes occurring in fractured bedrock groundwater systems under the advising of Prof. Michael Cardiff. His doctoral research applies oscillatory flow testing, a developing hydraulic testing methodology, to challenge the way we conceptualize flow through a single bedrock fracture. Jeremy will graduate from the department this fall and join the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Rice University. In collaboration with Prof. Jonathan Ajo-Franklin and Prof. Matthew Becker (California State University – Long Beach), he will expand on his doctoral research by integrating cutting-edge geophysical data with oscillatory flow testing to characterize flow and transport properties through complex fracture networks.