Huifang Xu

Position title: Professor


Phone: 608-265-5887

Office: A352 Weeks Hall

Huifang Xu


My research focuses on interdisciplinary study of:

  1. Crystal chemistry of clays, rock-forming minerals, and nano-crystals
  2. Role of nanopores in controlling geochemical reactions
  3. Roles of microbes in controlling mineral shape, structure, and compositions
  4. Mineral interface-induced carbonate mineralization: a fundamental process relevant to carbon sequestration
  5. Formation mechanisms of banded iron formation (BIF) and dolomite / dolomitization
  6. Functional minerals for environmental clean up and renewable energy applications

One of our new discoveries is that geochemical reactions inside nano-pores and nanotubes (confined solution) are greatly different from those in conventional environments (un-confined solution). The study will provide a linkage, currently missing, between laboratory measurements (in unconfined solution) and real environmental system in the critical zone (in confined pore solution).


Google Scholar


  • GEOSCI 331: Gems: The Science Behind the Sparkle
  • GEOSCI 360: Principles of Mineralogy
  • GEOSCI 765: Crystal Chemistry

Current Graduate Students

  • Tianyu Zhou