Noriko Kita
Position title: Distinguished Scientist, Director of WiscSIMS Laboratory
Phone: 262-7118
145 Weeks Hall
1215 W. Dayton St
- Lab Website
- WiscSIMS Laboratory
- Research Website
- Noriko Kita Cosmochemistry Research

My main focus of research is studying materials in primitive meteorites and returned cometary and asteroidal samples from space missions. I use a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) to determine isotope signatures of these primitive solids that formed in the protoplanetary disk, in which our Earth and other planets had evolved. I am interested in developing in-situ micro-analytical methods using SIMS for geochemical and cosmochemical applications, especially for high precision isotope ratio measurements of the 1-10 µm scale in rocks and minerals.
Research Projects
- Al-Mg Chronology and Isotope Signatures of Chondrules: Unravelling the Diverse forming Environments in the Protoplanetary Disk (NASA Emerging World Program, 2021-2023)
- Oxygen Isotopes and Al-Mg Chronology of Wild 2 Particles: Origin of Crystalline Silicate in the Outer Solar System (NASA Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples Program, 2020-2023)
- Geochemistry Fellow (2022)
- Geochemical Society of Japan Award (2021)