Noriko Kita

Position title: Distinguished Scientist, Director of WiscSIMS Laboratory


Phone: 262-7118

145 Weeks Hall
1215 W. Dayton St

Lab Website
WiscSIMS Laboratory
Research Website
Noriko Kita Cosmochemistry Research


My main focus of research is studying materials in primitive meteorites and returned cometary and asteroidal samples from space missions. I use a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) to determine isotope signatures of these primitive solids that formed in the protoplanetary disk, in which our Earth and other planets had evolved. I am interested in developing in-situ micro-analytical methods using SIMS for geochemical and cosmochemical applications, especially for high precision isotope ratio measurements of the 1-10 µm scale in rocks and minerals.

Research Projects

  • Al-Mg Chronology and Isotope Signatures of Chondrules: Unravelling the Diverse forming Environments in the Protoplanetary Disk (NASA Emerging World Program, 2021-2023)
  • Oxygen Isotopes and Al-Mg Chronology of Wild 2 Particles: Origin of Crystalline Silicate in the Outer Solar System (NASA Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples Program, 2020-2023)


Google Scholar


  • Geochemistry Fellow (2022)
  • Geochemical Society of Japan Award (2021)